1) Project Name & Funding Agency : GIZ PRO SOIL PLUS
2) Cluster Pimpalner
3) Project period JULY 2018- JUNE 2021
4) Current Reporting period up to 31.03.2021

The primary aim of the Project promoted by the grant is “Sustainable and inclusive approaches for soil protection, rehabilitation of degraded lands and improved soil health have been implemented in select locations resulting in enhanced crop productivity”.

1) Total area under watershed 5153 ha
2) Slope of watershed South to north
3) Major soil types Sandy loam and sandy clay
4) Area under pro soil 5153 ha
5) Number of farm families 1690
6) Total number of beneficiaries in the watershed 1690

Mohagaon, Pimpalpada, Shendwad, Chorwad, Manjari
Block : Sakri
District : Dhule

Institution Role of institution and its effectiveness Potential adaptation support and sector of support Nature of partnership Action by the community to seek support (partnership prerequisites)
KVK , Dhule Providing inputs of pro soil plus based agriculture interventions at village level Agriculture, Irrigation Technical Organize themselves for group irrigation, collective marketing of agriculture/horticultural produce, activate the FPOs